To a glimpse into our joy filled chaos! I am Annie- a stay at home, working mom of three. I am Latina, married to my high school sweetheart and mama to our four legged babe, Leila.
I run on coffee and you can catch my tiny crew and I at Target, rearranging our house or tossing up a themed kid-cuterie. I also enjoy home decor, cooking, beauty, organizing, easy mom outfits and time with my family!
In creating the anniexruiz brand- I wish to share with you the things that I am passionate about and that truly bring me joy. I don’t sugar coat— I will share the real and the chaotic in mamahood, but fulfilling journey that it is.
This platform is a safe space where I hope to encourage and equip you by sharing about my experiences. In a culture where motherhood is associated with being mundane, my goal for you is to use what I share to live in this current season and stop wishing it away. Cheers to a more joyful, purposeful outlook on motherhood, even when it is chaotic and messy. I really hope my content brings you joy, inspires you and serves you.
q: why the anniexruiz blog?
Winter 2019: I was 8 months pregnant with my 2nd and had just resigned from my full-time healthcare position to relocate to Columbus, OH with my husband. This was such a huge transition for me and mentally I was simply not okay. I had a difficult time finding my purpose in this new realm and had an even harder time finding a community that understood how I felt.
In becoming a stay at home mama of two under two, I decided to build my own community and share about all things mom life. I poured my heart into writing how I felt and even if it was never published on the blog it was a great coping mechanism for me. I quickly fell in love with the idea of blogging and here we are…
As my kids grew and the seasons and holidays came I really enjoyed curating fun activities, foods and gift baskets for them. I then discovered and connected with so many mamas that 1. were in a season of life very similar to mine or 2. loved sharing, writing and crafting as much as I had began to. The world of content creating and blogging quickly became my creative outlet and I have enjoyed every moment of creating and sharing within this community.
Q: WHY The uncensored mama podcast?
Well, if you know me, it is no secret I like to talk. While I really enjoyed expressing my MOMents via writing, I found that it was difficult for me to capture the true emotions behind my message. I also thought that many of my readers may be more compelled, or find it more convenient, to listen to a quick blurb vs. sitting and reading an entire blog post.
This journey can feel lonesome, but it does not mean that you have to be lonely - let’s walk together and encourage each other! The Uncensored Mama Podcast will be full of conversations regarding life as a mom, partner, home making, handling (or not) toddlerhood and navigating the hard, but validated emotions in motherhood. I really wish to encourage you in this season to move away from overwhelm and find joy and purpose in this season.